Матеріали конференції
Main Conference: 26 November 2021
Round Table Discussion: 27 November 2021
Долучитися до конференції можна на платформі ZOOM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/78853564306?pwd=SmYyTkFDV2xBbENURjVVS0Y2RDRKUT09
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A.V. NEZHDANOVA ODESSA NATIONAL MUSIC ACADEMY is glad to announce the e First National Research Conference “Odessa Dialogues of Cultures: Creativity, Personality, and Language” and the Round Table Discussion “Rhetoric of Media Discourse” to be held on 26-27 November 2021 at the Department of Foreign Languages of the A.V. Nezhdanova Odessa National Music Academy (Odessa, 63 Novoselskoho Street, Great Hall of ONMA https://odma.edu.ua/).
The conference “Odessa Dialogues of Cultures: Creativity, Personality, and Language” solicits contributions in the following thematic areas:
(I) Creativity:
1. Interaction between musicology and philology: methodology and practice in higher music education.
2. Intermediality of the modern music environment: traditions and innovations.
3. Metatextuality in different musical and singing traditions.
4. Synergy of musical temporation: time, space, and music.
5. The phenomenon of intimacy: category, genre, aesthetics.
(II) Man:
1. The phenomenon of ‘musical consciousness’ and human creativity.
2. Philosophy of dance movement: ethnomentality, dance, and music.
3. Partum Personality: musical art and the psychology of creative personality.
4. Odessa and Europe: polyphonic thinking of Odessa residents.
5. Issues of musical culturology: man, history, and hermeneutics.
(III) Language:
1. Multilingualism in verbal and musical spheres.
2. Odessa originality: language, humour, and music.
3. Italianità in language and music.
4. Ukrainian-Chinese relations in Odessa: dialogue of language & music.
5. Pedagogical techniques of today: foreign languages and language didactics.
The round table “Rhetoric of media discourse” invites you to discuss the following topics:(IV) Rhetoric & media
1. Audio-visual means of verbalised content distribution.
2. Virtual reality and cognitive rhetoric of media discourse in Ukraine.
3. Intermediality and the media image of a person.
4. Canons of classical rhetoric in modern communicative conditions.5. Man in the age of ‘post-truth’ and ‘fake news’.
6. Modality of new media texts.
7. СOVID-19: media ethos, media pathos & media logo in the era of infodemia.
Working languages of the conference: Ukrainian, English.
Form of participation: personal or remote.
Registration. To participate in the conference, you need to register by 10 November 2021 following the link in item 1 and send the following materials to the e-mail address natalja.petljutschenko@onua.edu.ua:
1) https://forms.gle/CPLRpUMEmxwxWQKD8
2) Text of the talk prepared in accordance with the following requirements (Ivanchenko_abstract_conference or Ivanchenko_adstract_round table).
The subject line of the letter should indicate: Odessa Dialogues of Cultures_2021 (Ivanchenko A.A.).
Each paper will be allotted 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion).
You should receive a confirmation of receipt and acceptance of materials for publication from the organising committee within one day after sending the letter.
Registration fee: The cost of participation (regardless of the form) in the conference is UAH 250.00. PhD students will be granted a discounted conference fee of 150 UAH. The registration fee includes publication of a book of abstracts, certificates (15 hours / 0.5 ECTS credit), sending one copy to the author, distribution of information letters and invitations as well as organisational costs. The cost of accommodation, meals and reservations shall be paid by the participants themselves. Please take care of the return tickets.Payment details for the registration fee shall be sent to the conference participants in response to the letter with the contribution abstracts.
Contact Information:
Chair of the Organising Committee:
Rector of ONMA, People’s Artist of Ukraine, Professor
Oleksandr Oliynyk
Project Manager:
Prof. Dr. Nataliya Petlyuchenko (natalja.petljutschenko@onua.edu.ua); +38 067 804 84 80
Head of the Working Group:
Cand (Ped.). Ass. Prof. Larysa Orekhova
(larisa29_11@ukr.net); +38 093 021 56 92
Executive Secretary:
Ass. Prof. Tetyana Rychka
(rychta@ukr.net); +38 067 918 24 46
Contacts, location: https://odma.edu.ua/contacts/